

Uncommons is a public sphere where a collective of Commons Builders explores Crypto Thoughts together.

Reviewing the details of Gitcoin Grants Round 14

Recently, the Gitcoin 18th round of crowdfunding matching donation activity is underway. Let's take a look back at the donation details.

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This issue's bounty: $102

Class Representative | Han Ya

Review | cube

Typesetting | Wingo


Gitcoin is an open-source software platform based on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Their mission is to build an ideal "global village" by establishing a globally open collaboration platform, where villagers living during this period can participate in the interaction of the open-source community, thereby driving the multidimensional growth of decentralized technology.

"Build and Fund the Open Web Together." is Gitcoin's vision. The mission of GitcoinDAO is to build and fund digital public goods through quadratic funding and Gitcoin Grants. Gitcoin Grants conducts crowdfunding matching donation activities on a quarterly basis.

In this quarter's meeting, Kevin Owocki invited core contributors leading some business lines in GitcoinDAO to discuss the details of Grants Round 14 (now in GR18), the decentralization of Gitcoin, and the significance of GR14 to Gitcoin and the entire crypto market.

Guests in this issue:

Scott Moore - Gitcoin Co-Founder

Lindsey Thrift - VP of Product at Gitcoin

Kevin Olsen - VP of Engineering at Gitcoin

Annika Lewis - Lead at GitcoinDAO Public Goods Funding Workstream

Austin Griffith - Steward of GitcoinDAO, BuidlGuidl

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· Core modules of the Grants 2.0 protocol (Passport, Conviction Voting) are going live.

· The crypto market is entering a bear market, but it is also prompting people to return to the "basis."

· Expanding to more local ecosystems.

· Expanding to web2 or off-chain social domains.

Grants 2.0:
· Passport: Building SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity) by aggregating web2 and web3 social identities.

· Conviction Voting: Funding proposals through aggregated preference signals released by staking.

· Modularity of the protocol and the permissionless nature of open-source code contribute to unleashing innovation.

· Advancing the ecosystem's modularity and permissionlessness helps achieve trust neutrality.

Background of GR14#

Internally, the modular part of the Grants 2.0 protocol is going live.

Externally, the crypto market is declining, and the bull market is fading. However, as of June 23rd, GR14 has received $3 million worth of matching donations for public goods, which has given Owocki great confidence.

Regarding the significance of the bear market, Owocki believes that if this is a historical replay, then this bear market will help push some projects that can define trends and set benchmarks to the forefront. Scott believes that the bear market actually allows us to see more people returning to the "basis" in some way.

Scott first explained the positioning of Grants. Through this project, you can donate to public goods that you care about and serve your local community.

Secondly, Scott revealed the expansion trend of Grants: this round of Grants is expanding to more local ecosystems and collaborating with them for more project funding.

For example, collaborating with Polygon's The Graph (a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying on-chain data) and projects in other related fields. The issues these communities care about include climate and advocacy in the emerging regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies.

This expansion of Grants helps promote the following thinking: when we talk about public goods, who do we care about? Usually, it refers to something in our community that is "local" to us, something we can see, touch, and feel firsthand.

Therefore, the goal of this expansion is actually to figure out what different types of common needs people have and how we can find ways to get signals from these different groups, and then figure out which broader global public goods we need to fund.

Details of GR14 (Annika)#

The overall structure of GR14 is similar to the previous round, divided into Main Round, Ecosystem Round, and Cause Round (see: -

Main Round

Similar to the situation before GR13, in GR14, every sponsorship with an Ethereum address on the platform is eligible for matching funds in the Main Round, which is $1 million for this round.

(Note: As GitcoinDAO moves towards Grants 2.0, anyone can create their own ecosystem or domain round and fund any type of project they like, which raises the question of whether Gitcoin should define its own main round to fund specific projects in a comprehensive round of the protocol.)

Ecosystem Round

The Ecosystem Round helps specific communities with $1 million to build and fund their common needs.

Cause Round

The Cause Round focuses on not only the web3 ecosystem but also expands more into off-chain social causes and projects that are not typically funded by cryptocurrencies. In this round, the Cause Round includes climate, blockchain advocacy, and new rounds focused on diversity, fairness, and inclusivity in the web3 space.

Institutional Funding in GR14

Coinbase previously announced a commitment of $1 million to Gitcoin Grants, and they are funding the Ethereum infrastructure round. Gitcoin has received funding from Kimbal Musk (Big Green) in the climate round. More philanthropists from Web2 are starting to consider how to use cryptocurrencies for good.

Passport (Olsen)#

Identity is a part of the reputation system in the community. Passport, developed for the Grants 2.0 protocol, refers to DID and VC (Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials) and provides users with a way to build SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity).

For the Grants 2.0 protocol, identity is a prerequisite, and Passport is the new module for identity building in the Gitcoin network. Passport is a standalone application that links web2 social media accounts (such as Twitter and Facebook) with other web3 protocols.

Olsen uses stamps as a metaphor for the elements of identity mentioned above. Compared to centralized user profiles, this personal information is stored on the Ceramic network and controlled by individual wallets.

Passport is a Money Lego for preventing Sybil attacks, which is an important condition for ensuring QF functionality. Although it does not directly defend against Sybil attacks, it integrates other tools for preventing Sybil attacks.

In the future, it will help transition Gitcoin's ecosystem from "one token, one vote" to "one person, one vote," which is something Owocki is happy to see.

As a standalone application, Passport is also expected to be used by more communities for their own Sybil attack prevention.

(For more information on Money Lego, see

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When it comes to building voting applications on the Gitcoin network, Austin mentioned that the core issue of voting applications is the "horse race problem" - in previous Gitcoin grant rounds, there was competition between projects, and those that performed well in the early stages usually received more funding.

Therefore, the team is looking for a different signal and sorting mechanism, and "conviction voting" is the solution they propose. Conviction voting is a decision-making process based on the continuous expression of community members' preferences, and it funds proposals by continuously aggregating preferences for proposals.

Users can stake their GTC tokens on their favorite projects. The longer the staking period, the greater the voting weight they have. This voting weight is used to rank grant projects before the Gitcoin round starts.

(For more information on Conviction Voting, see

The most crucial feature of "conviction voting" is that the amount staked is not important, but the signal released by staking is important, similar to the case of quadratic matching. Someone who stakes a large number of tokens has almost the same influence on project ranking based on conviction as someone who stakes a small number of tokens, so community members should use most of their GTC for voting, delegation, and governance, only staking a small portion and letting it accumulate.

Gitcoin ranks grant projects based on the signals released by staking, rather than using a horse race-like approach for sorting.

In such a mechanism, what if someone stakes for two months? What will the conviction curve look like if someone is willing to stake continuously for several months? How big will the multiplier be? Austin believes that these questions are still open, and the community will remain open-minded.

Modularity (Lindsey)#

The ecosystem that Gitcoin Grants 2.0 is building has many features, and the modularity within the DAO is one of them.

In the traditional world, if someone wants to change anything in the Gitcoin ecosystem, they have to find Owocki and submit a request for changes. However, once a system that uses open-source code and is completely permissionless is built, it can unleash a lot of innovation.

Gitcoin is expected to become a modular Money Lego ecosystem in the future, and the Passport, GTC, and Conviction Voting currently being developed are the core components of this future system. In addition, the round manager is also an important modular product and part of the core protocol.

External project teams can set their own parameters and use the mechanisms they want. Starting from GR14, the community will launch the Grant Hub. People can create their own projects on the Grant Hub through this round manager and run them on a decentralized registry in the future.

Currently, Lindsey's team is looking for partners who are willing to become the first adopters of the core protocol and run their own rounds independently (they often have their own funding plans or want to run independent funding plans).

Partners need to share what their mission is, what they want to achieve, what the unique parameters of their project are, and work together in the construction process for prototype exploration and testing, interact with Lindsey's team for 2 to 3 hours per month, and participate in user interviews according to the needs of the ecosystem.

Based on the funding experience of the previous 14 rounds, Gitcoin knows how to run a round, but also discovered a lot of innovation. As each community gradually understands their needs and how to govern in their rounds, unique elements will emerge. Lindsey's team hopes to design for this and ensure modularity and scalability.

Owocki and Austin summarized that modularity will bring the platform closer to "trust neutrality," and the permissionlessness of modularity also encourages innovative practices among builders and developers.

Please continue to pay attention to the donation round of the friendly community GCC:

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Co-builder Recruitment

As a Workstream initiated in the Uncommons community, the "GreenPill Podcast Co-Learning" adopts a co-creation format, encouraging more people to get involved. Specifically, we are recruiting the following roles:

Class Representative

Listen to the podcast, produce post-listening notes, and publish them on the Uncommons community media account.

It's not just translation! It's about expanding and summarizing based on understanding the content.

Share your notes and understanding at the co-learning session.

Bounties will be awarded based on the duration of the podcast, at a rate of 3 USDT per minute.


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Payment: 15 USDT per article.

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About Uncommons

Uncommons is a public sphere where a collective of Commons Builders explores Crypto Thoughts together.

Uncommons is a community of Web3 enthusiasts, social builders, and internet citizens who are committed to the construction of public goods. It was formerly known as the GreenPill Chinese community.



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